Friday, February 13, 2009

Laurel Hill Ave Elementary school- Mrs. Mancini's classroom

Today I arrived in the classroom while the kids were still in Health class. I thought it was a good opportunity to take some pictures of the classroom. It's colorful even though the rest of the building is a little rough around the edges. Mrs. Mancini does a good job of incorporating art into her classroom.

The class has a schedule in the front of the room letting them know what they'll be doing today.

They have some computers in the room with learning software for reading and math.

This is where they do a lot of their reading, including reading the play that they're working on. The kids get to sit on the carpet and they seem to really enjoy being able to get out of their regular seats.

They have tons and tons of books. Most of them are in these bins and labeled according to reading level and subject (like African/African American, Asian/Asian American, Math, Science, ect.)

There's many posters like this that have instructions on how to do certain things.

It's nice to have some good space for one on one work with the students.

I like how Mrs. Mancini hangs the students art work up. They're very proud of their pictures.

It's nice that the room is sunny and that they have windows. The rest of the school is a bit darker.


  1. These are so great!! It really shows off the choices that your teacher makes about the teaching and learning in her classroom!

  2. it looks very colorful and inviting!!
    oh to be young again!!

  3. i love howw you posted picturess! thatss very creativeee ! :) looks like a cute little classroom
